Monday, June 17, 2013

How To Move a Gondola

Gondolas offer a number of unique benefits that simply aren't found in other types of shelving units. For starters, they are incredibly versatile with the ability to adjust shelf heights in a matter of seconds. Another reason why so many national retail stores choose them is their mobility. Gondolas can easily be moved around the store to fit your specific needs. To learn how to move gondola shelves, keep reading.

Step #1 - Remove The Product

The first step in moving a gondola is to remove the product. Doing will naturally reduce the weight, making it easier to move. Some people may attempt to move their gondolas with the product still on, but doing so places an unnecessary stress on it. Too much stress could pull the gondola apart. To prevent such a disaster from happening, remove any product on the gondola before you attempt to move it.

Step #2 - Wheels and Sliders

There are several different products out there designed specifically for moving gondolas. However, I've found that the easiest way to move a gondola is by sliding wheels underneath it. You can lift up the gondola shelf by using a large tool that looks like a pry bar. Start by lifting up one end of the gondola so you slide the wheels underneath. As previously stated, there are a number of wheeled products designed specifically for this reason. Depending on the size of your gondola, you may need to add 2, 3 or even 4 wheels to keep it balanced. Just make sure the wheels are secure under the gondola.

Step #3 - Moving The Gondola

Now, it's time for the fun part -- moving the gondola. As long as the wheels are securely placed underneath the gondola, moving it should actually be pretty easy. You can literally push it from one side of the store to the other with the help of an extra person. The larger the gondola, the more manpower that's required. Just slide gondola over to the desired area in your store before lifting it and removing the wheels.

Moving a gondola is a quick and easy process that will give you the ability to maximize your store's potential. The fact is that stores must be rearranged to offer customers the best possible selection of products. Allowing your shelves to remain in the same place year after year will take away from your store's potential. If you plan on using gondolas in your store, follow the steps outlined here to move them around as you see fit.

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